Saturday, April 12, 2014

Dance Floor ...

On the dance floor shrouded in disco lights most faces carry expression as per their insight of love and life.  Assorted moves for same beat and assorted expressions for every syllable. Watching people dancing under such lights is at times close to darkness gives a rare insight about others, but sometimes it also arise a strange and peculiar expressive thought in you which is somewhere close to reality in taste. I generally find myself in oblivion when I dance but when I stop and look around I see myself a lonely person in the crazy world. And, I don’t hold on to it much, since I know it’s my insight of love and life.
Today, again I stopped at such dancing floor and my oblivion had left me awake in the middle of 200 people. I saw sweat doused clothes clung to bodies proactively staging a view or idea of their structure. Their moves were haywire: blending with beats for some time and then again finding the way to get detached from the music. Without respite I watched her dancing tirelessly.
At first, I only watched her from a corner sipping cold drink, contemplating her moves trying to translate them into the insight she carries on Love and Life. A free spirit who was completely in sync with music, at times her hairs came over to veil her face as though she desired so and then divulge to show the world what she believes in. But she moved so swiftly to next step that contemplation had left me vexed. I should have not sought the contemplation, but a man like me who has nothing else to see but she, couldn’t limit this vexed translation.
I, myself isn’t a bad dancer, but yes my insight about love and life is such that most people wouldn't attempt a thought to agree with me. Later when I could no more bear to watch her due to some strange reason went to the dance floor and began dancing. However, I watched her dancing and moving around the floor, from the corner of my eyes. And then, a moment came when I couldn't dance any longer. I went to a corner carrying dashed view of myself, intending to leave music and floor to those who were worthy for it. But then, something happened, my relentless eyes had not left her; they kept her under the vision. Suddenly, around me things began fleeing, and there on dance floor she was left alone away from the realization that the floor had been abandoned by everyone and a man from the far darkness closing on to her slowly and steadily. While she was rejoicing her idea of life in the dance, he was afflicted by the emotion he had derived from the idea of life he knew.
He watched her swaying around the music; her hair had shielded her face and soul from polluting. He stopped right in front of her swaying body and waited for her to open those mighty eyes. No, he wasn't impatient rather composed and aware of the fact that this moment can’t be clutched. There she opened her eyes and the man drew out his hands to hold her sweat soaked face in his palms.

I saw it all, but then something happened: I felt her lips on my lips, her tongue tangled with my tongue, her eyes were again closed but mine still open watching her and feeling every bit of her inside me.

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